Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday November 4/13

We continue to work on measurement - time. We are relating day to week, week to month, month to year. With each day we practice, we are becoming more comfortable describing years in months and weeks!

We continue to uncover the features of non-fiction texts. This is a process, so THR will be done at school this week as well. I want to ensure that the group is able to do their THR with minimal help from home. Thank you for your continued support! They are recognizing fiction text features with ease! With practice, things are really happening!

Our field trip to John R. Homestead is on this Thursday. Please send in the filled out permission form and $9.00. We will be attending rain or shine! Most activities will be conducted under a covered area, but we will be outdoors. Please come dressed in layers, as we will be outside for most of the day! This will be an exciting trip for the grade 3's to see what we've been reading about come alive!

Have a great night everyone!