Friday, November 29, 2013

Agenda notes for November 29, 2013.

Math assessment marks are written in your child's agenda.  We started our new geometry unit with a minds on activity - tell what you know about a certain shape.  The group worked very well with their partners and the math discussion in the room was fantastic.  Words like vertices and attributes were already being discussed! We concluded this morning with a gallary walk - checking out how others answered the same question.  Some had some questions about how others responded and we will continue from there on Monday.

Recorders -please practice this weekend our new songs Ode to Joy, and Jingle Bells.  These are the two songs we will be focusing on until the Christmas Break!

This weekend begins the season of Advent.  With all the rushing and craziness of the season, it is time for us to remember to prepare for Christ's coming.  Advent is the time of waiting, preparing our hearts to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  We will have short para liturgies in our room to acknowledge each week of Advent.

Have a wonderful weekend 3B!

Pictures of 3B gallery walk today