Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Agenda notes for November 19/13

This week 3B will have a social studies test (Thursday).  Please review notes and even ask your child questions about their learning.  For example, ask would they liked to have lived 500 years ago?, or if they were a pioneer child, what do they think they would have been responsible for?  When your child answers these types of questions, you want to see if they are incorporating what they have learned along with their own ideas in their response.  Also, give them some true or false questions, or even some multiple choice with 3 choices to pick from!

THR will be due Friday - looking for features of a non-fiction text and we will continue to practice making connections!

3B did great work today responding in pairs to solve how many packages I would need to 16kg of pasta!  Way to go!  Photos will be posted Wednesday.

Have a great night and enjoy sharing pioneer information with your child