Friday, November 29, 2013

Agenda notes for November 29, 2013.

Math assessment marks are written in your child's agenda.  We started our new geometry unit with a minds on activity - tell what you know about a certain shape.  The group worked very well with their partners and the math discussion in the room was fantastic.  Words like vertices and attributes were already being discussed! We concluded this morning with a gallary walk - checking out how others answered the same question.  Some had some questions about how others responded and we will continue from there on Monday.

Recorders -please practice this weekend our new songs Ode to Joy, and Jingle Bells.  These are the two songs we will be focusing on until the Christmas Break!

This weekend begins the season of Advent.  With all the rushing and craziness of the season, it is time for us to remember to prepare for Christ's coming.  Advent is the time of waiting, preparing our hearts to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  We will have short para liturgies in our room to acknowledge each week of Advent.

Have a wonderful weekend 3B!

Pictures of 3B gallery walk today

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Agenda notes for November 28/13

Please sign and return time assessment work.  Finish pioneer letter draft you are currently working on for Friday.

This week, 3B has been working on their pioneer homes and they are coming along beautifully!  Here's a sneak peak:


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Agenda notes for November 27/13

Songs to practice tonight!

Grade 3's are hard at work writing their pioneer letters and a reminder that this week final mass and capacity assessments will be happening, so please review with your child!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Agenda notes for November 25/13

We are wrapping up our measuring unit and testing will be done this week on capacity and mass.
Tonight, students brought home their math (time and temp) test, and social studies tests home for signatures.  Please return those to school.  

We are in need of clementine crates for a Christmas craft.  If you have any, please send them to school with your child.

The class is sounding great playing their recorders.  Here is a song they can practice at home!

Have a great night everyone!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Agenda notes for November 19/13

This week 3B will have a social studies test (Thursday).  Please review notes and even ask your child questions about their learning.  For example, ask would they liked to have lived 500 years ago?, or if they were a pioneer child, what do they think they would have been responsible for?  When your child answers these types of questions, you want to see if they are incorporating what they have learned along with their own ideas in their response.  Also, give them some true or false questions, or even some multiple choice with 3 choices to pick from!

THR will be due Friday - looking for features of a non-fiction text and we will continue to practice making connections!

3B did great work today responding in pairs to solve how many packages I would need to 16kg of pasta!  Way to go!  Photos will be posted Wednesday.

Have a great night and enjoy sharing pioneer information with your child

Friday, November 15, 2013

Agenda notes -Friday November 15, 2013

 This week, we brought out the recorders, and the class is doing very well with them.  We have learned three positions G, A, B.  The group is asked to practice this weekend (sorry moms and dads) for 10 minutes a day.  Have your child play the echoes to you, they sound great!

We hope Josh T. And Ethan are successful in their hockey tournament, and we wish the Drouin triplets a great birthday weekend!  

Everyone enjoy the weather this weekend, and I will see you all on Monday.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14, 2013 continued

3B is continuing to work on writing paragraphs using descriptive language.  Today we worked with adjectives, and discovered how they add details to writing.  At home, trying discussing your day with your child using adjectives, and see if  he/she can identify them!

We are motoring through measurement!  We finished looking at capacity (Litre and millilitre).  When making dinner, or getting lunches ready, see when these capacities come up in everyday life with your child!

Have a great night!

November 14, 2013

Thanks to parents who came in to discuss your child's progress.  It is important that children see parents and teachers working together as a team!  Also, thank you to the many of you who gave feedback and suggestions for our room!  To parents who were unable to attend, please feel free to contact the school any time, and we can always schedule a meeting.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Agenda notes November 12, 2013

New THR - non-fiction text example.

Notes for tonight:

Enjoy playing the note "G" with your recorders!  Have a great night!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 11, 2013 - Remembrance Day

Today on Remembrance Day, we remember and thank those who fought, sacrificed and died for our freedom.  

Lest we never forget!

John R. Park Homestead Visit - November 7, 2013

Our visit to the homestead was fantastic!  Everyone had a great time and the weather held up for an enjoyable day!  Here are some highlights of what life 172 years would have been like:

Erin reading the biscuit recipe.
Ethan and Josh T carefully measuring

Matthew mixing!
Simon helping with mixing
Nolan happy to help!
Jada pours the buttermilk.

Isaac helps out with adding a little more buttermilk.
Kaiden adding flour to the working surface.
Ericka rolls out the dough.
Time to cut the biscuits!

Gavin, Matthew and Simon are helping out too!

Sarah is a pro in the pioneer kitchen!
Enjoy the fruits of our labours!

Biscuits with apple butter ... yummy!

3B very attentive in the kitchen!
Listening to Ms. Nancy in the Park children's bedroom.

Kids allowed in the Parlour?  Today we were!
Garrett checking out some pioneer toys.
Guess who?
Dylan using some serious muscles!

Madison and Simon sawing mallet heads.

Using all the help we can get!
Chloe keeping the fire going in the blacksmith shop

Ashlynn uses the hammer to shape a hook
A day at the sawmill!

Finally ... playing horseshoes!

A special thank you to Chloe's mom, Josh T's dad and Carlee's stepdad for joining us and helping out !