Monday, October 7, 2013

THR Anchor and Agenda notes for Oct 7/13

We are adding to our THR to include all features of a fiction text. This week 3B can choose a fiction text from their own collection to write about.  Please use the most recent Skeleton Key to ensure they have included all the features in their write up!

THR will be due Thursday due to the PD day on Friday.  I can't wait to read them!

Our Library walk is on!  We will be heading to Remington Park Library this Thursday afternoon.   The group is definitely looking forward to this long awaited visit!

We are approaching the end of our Patterning/Numbers math unit.  Our final math assessment will be on Friday October 18.

The weather is changing!  Please remember to dress in layers, this way clothing can be added or removed.

Our Grade 3's did a fantastic job with our School Opening Mass.  I'm so proud of everyone!  Way to go 3B!