Friday, October 25, 2013

Recap of weekending October 25/13

This week 3B wrapped up the first math unit! This was a tough unit, but we all got through it! We are also discoverng quite a bit about early settlers and how they lived. We were quite surprised to find out that some log cabins were smaller (much smaller) than our classroom! The group is remembering how to begin and end sentences properly and this week we learned that little words like and, or, and but give our sentences variety and different lengths. This will be very helpful once we start writing paragraphs!

This weekend...

Ericka and Matthew will be going to a Halloween party.

It's a BIG move for Erin.

We're sending a huge good luck to Garrett for his football playoff game, and good luck Ethan and Josh T. against Amherstburg!

Carlee is having a family birthday dinner for her Grand-dad.

Whatever you're doing this weekend 3B; have a great time, and tell me all about it on Monday!

Have a great weekend folks!