Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Agenda note for Oct 1/13

Making connections is our reading strategy we are working on.  Today we discussed questions to think about when reading.  Some included: What does this remind me of?, Has something like this happened to me before?, or What are my feelings to what I'm reading?.  These are some questions you can work with your child when you are reading with them.

Tonight 3B brought home social studies (SS) and literacy (Lit).  They will be labelling the Ontario map and answering questions about the map and completing sentences.

Practicing multiplying should be done nightly, so that our skills stay sharp!

Please join us in celebrating our Thanksgiving mass on Thursday at 1:00.  Grade 3's are hosting!

Library walk has been post-poned to the 10th.  If anything changes, it will be posted!

Have a great night!