Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!!

Due to the weather today, we were unable to visit the library.
Unfortunately, the student's books are now overdue, and will have to be returned independently.

I wish everyone a spooktacular night tonight!

Be safe and have fun!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Agenda notes Oct 30/13

We continue to work on measuring time. The grade threes are focusing on using analogue clocks and refining their telling time skills. This can be easily practiced at home by asking "What time is it"?
We are still working on our times tables. We are working on the 3 and 4 tables. Continue to practice!

3B's connections while reading are getting much thicker and more meaningful. During guided reading groups this week, we are orally discussing our connections to stories like "Every Friday", "Photo Kid", and "Ten Thousand Buffalo on the Roof".
Paragraphs, paragraphs! We are focusing on topic sentences this week, and so far we are moving along nicely!

Today 3B started their research assignment on a First Nation tribe from the Algonquian or Iroquoian group. They research will include: food, homes, clothing, and travel. If you'd like to work on this at home, you may check out Mr. Giannetti's web page, and follow the tools to go instructions! We are very excited for this, as the class will be presenting this in a power point presentation!

I want to thank all our grade 3 students and their families who were part of this year's cross country team! This is the first time these students were part of a school team function and they were awesome! I was very proud of how well everyone ran and how well we placed! Thank you everyone and see you out there running next year!

Reminder that we will be visiting Remington Park Library to return and take out some new books. Please have books in, so that we can return them!

Have a wonderful night!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Recap of weekending October 25/13

This week 3B wrapped up the first math unit! This was a tough unit, but we all got through it! We are also discoverng quite a bit about early settlers and how they lived. We were quite surprised to find out that some log cabins were smaller (much smaller) than our classroom! The group is remembering how to begin and end sentences properly and this week we learned that little words like and, or, and but give our sentences variety and different lengths. This will be very helpful once we start writing paragraphs!

This weekend...

Ericka and Matthew will be going to a Halloween party.

It's a BIG move for Erin.

We're sending a huge good luck to Garrett for his football playoff game, and good luck Ethan and Josh T. against Amherstburg!

Carlee is having a family birthday dinner for her Grand-dad.

Whatever you're doing this weekend 3B; have a great time, and tell me all about it on Monday!

Have a great weekend folks!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Oct 17/13

Tonight 3B will continue to work on rounding to the nearest ten and reasons pioneers came to the new land in social studies.
THR will be due on Monday and we have added to it.  3B is asked to continue working on the features of a fiction text and also include one connection to the text.  Today the group did great work making connections to someone being a good friend, so I can't wait to read their connections on Monday night!  

Our note today on rounding step!

3B in action:

Ashlynn going bananas with monkeys! Bring in those subscriptions!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Agenda notes for Wednesday Oct 16/13

We are discovering quite a bit about First Nation Peoples. Tonight 3B will be reading and responding to  how they assisted pioneers who came to the new land!
We are practicing rounding to the nearest ten in math!  If you'd like, give your child some more numbers to practice tonight!

We are planning an art activity, and we need your help.  I'm asking 3B to bring in small branches and sticks for an upcoming pioneer project.  Please send what you can.  I will store them in our classroom!

Thanks in advance and have a great night!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Agenda notes for Tuesday Oct 15/13

Tonight 3B will be labelling an illustration of a First Nation's Longhouse.  They are to use page 13 of their Many Gifts textbook as a guide.  We will take this up on Wednesday.  We have started to round numbers to the nearest 10 and will be also looking at rounding numbers to the nearest hundred this week.

This week's math test will be post-poned until Monday October 21.

Have a great night!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Agenda notes for Thursday Oct. 10/13

When reading with your child, ask him/her some prompts that we have been working on.  These are some questions to think about when we are making connections.  This is a great way to improve your child's oral communication and responding to open ended questions
Wishing all of the 3B families a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Agenda notes for Tuesday Oct 8/13

We are working on greater than and less than in math.  Please assist your child by giving them the visual of a mouth always wanting the larger number.  Also have your child work through the problem aloud by looking at the digits in their respective place value.  For example 435 is greater than 430 because even though both numbers have a 4 in the hundreds and a 3 in the tens the 5 in the ones is greater than 0.

Literacy- We continue to look at various types of sentences.  Currently our focus is on exclamation and command sentences!

Have a great night!

Monday, October 7, 2013

THR Anchor and Agenda notes for Oct 7/13

We are adding to our THR to include all features of a fiction text. This week 3B can choose a fiction text from their own collection to write about.  Please use the most recent Skeleton Key to ensure they have included all the features in their write up!

THR will be due Thursday due to the PD day on Friday.  I can't wait to read them!

Our Library walk is on!  We will be heading to Remington Park Library this Thursday afternoon.   The group is definitely looking forward to this long awaited visit!

We are approaching the end of our Patterning/Numbers math unit.  Our final math assessment will be on Friday October 18.

The weather is changing!  Please remember to dress in layers, this way clothing can be added or removed.

Our Grade 3's did a fantastic job with our School Opening Mass.  I'm so proud of everyone!  Way to go 3B!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Agenda note for Oct 1/13

Making connections is our reading strategy we are working on.  Today we discussed questions to think about when reading.  Some included: What does this remind me of?, Has something like this happened to me before?, or What are my feelings to what I'm reading?.  These are some questions you can work with your child when you are reading with them.

Tonight 3B brought home social studies (SS) and literacy (Lit).  They will be labelling the Ontario map and answering questions about the map and completing sentences.

Practicing multiplying should be done nightly, so that our skills stay sharp!

Please join us in celebrating our Thanksgiving mass on Thursday at 1:00.  Grade 3's are hosting!

Library walk has been post-poned to the 10th.  If anything changes, it will be posted!

Have a great night!