Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Agenda notes for Sept 10, 2013

We continue to work on looking for patterns in a hundred's chart and place value.  Tonight your child will be working on recognizing patterns.  Patterns can either increase or decrease, be found in the ones place value, or in the tens place value.  Work with your child to determine what patterns he/she can point out!

Understanding place value is one of the main foundations for your child to be successful in computing other operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).  Please assist your child when working on his/her place value worksheet.  We have been working on place value and practice is key!

Your child's math quiz came home tonight, please sign and return!

Today we worked on setting up a reading response to a fiction text "Opening Day."  We focused on the characters and setting.  Ask your child the responses to our focus!
Have a great night!