Saturday, September 14, 2013

Agenda notes for Friday September 13, 2013

This year we will be focusing on communicating our thinking when solving math problems.  For homework, your child will be working on this concept.  The "Stretch Your Thinking" allows students to explain how they know the answer.  This isn't as easy as we think!  Many members of 3B this week, expressed that they know how, but don't know how to explain it.  This is a big step from grade 2! Please allow your child to try their best, with some support.  One way to assist your child is to talk the answer out.  Allow them to tell you what they are thinking.  By doing this, they not only hear what they are saying, they are processing their thinking.  This small activity greatly assists young children to explain their responses clearly.

Book orders also went home on Friday.  I will be sending book orders once a month.  This is a great way for your child to seek out texts he/she are interested in reading.  This program also gets children to read for enjoyment!  This month's orders are due Friday September 27.  Please send cheques only and payable to Scholastic Book Club.

Our library walk is on!  We will be heading to Remington Park Library on Thursday October 3/13.  It has been delayed for a week as our Terry Fox activities are happening on September 26, and we don't want to miss that!  I will send home a reminder via the agenda and on the blog when to bring library cards to school and when to return books as well!

It was a pleasure meeting and talking to parents on Thursday at Meet the Teacher!  You all have amazing and wonderful children and I am so blessed to be their teacher this year!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Bavetta