Monday, September 30, 2013

Agenda notes for Monday September 30/13

Can you believe that October is upon us!  Time is flying by already! 
Tonight please review multiplication facts up to 2 with your child.
THR reading and responding will happen at school this week.  We have added onto characters and setting, and we are now including all fiction features to our reading.  The group is doing very well with this.  The more we practice recognizing features of texts, the easier it will be to understand text material we are reading! Keep working hard 3B!

Thursday is our Thanksgiving mass.  Thank you to 3B for practicing your parts for the mass!
Have a great night everyone!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Math Gallery!!!!

3B's first math gallery!!!

Agenda notes for Sept 26/13

It was a great day for the Terry Fox walk!  3B partnered up with 5C and we walked for a great cause.

Today 3B looked at our first math gallery walk.  This is where we work on a math question and the students give their feedback to their peers.  Please ask your child to explain the posted picture.

Tonight please work on health - processed and unprocessed foods and THR (take home reading) is due Friday!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Agenda notes for Sept 24/13

In math we are continuing to group and count to 100.  Students were assigned pg 20 # 5 or 7.  If students worked ahead - they will work on question 5, everyone else question 7.  We have begun working on the 2 times table.  Please keep reviewing the 0 and 1 tables as well.  We don't want to forget those!

In Health we are focusing on processed and unprocessed foods.  If students could please bring in food flyers/advertisements for an in-class assignment that would be great!

THR- went home tonight. It will be due on Friday.  We are still looking at fiction texts.  Students are to follow the format of "Opening Day".  We are working on the following fiction features: story, characters and setting.  3B will read Red Bird (pg52).

Words of the Week (WOW) review each night - tests will always be on Fridays.  This won't be posted every week.  It is to be understood that 3B will practice nightly.

Song of Week (SOW) review nightly.  This will follow the same format as WOW, just we will perform various songs of choice to other classes (no test!).

Friday, September 20, 2013

Peer math in action

The grade 3's are beginning to discuss their reasons as to why certain numbers appear where they do on number lines!  Great work today folks!  Have an enjoyable Friday away from school!  See you all on Monday!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Agenda notes for Wednesday Sept 18/13

Tonight the class was asked to visit the blog and play some multiplication games on some of the websites in the Math Playground. We are beginning to look at the 2 times table.

Just a reminder that Take Home Reading is due on Thursday. Those that handed in their THR today did a great job! Keep up the great work!

Some grade 3's have not brought in their binders for their portfolios. If you haven't sent one in, could you please do so for Monday.

Just a reminder that Words of Week test will be on Thursday this week since Friday is a P.D. day.

Today we wrapped up our Holy Spirit unit. Ask your child how many of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit they can name!

Have a great Wednesday night!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Agenda notes for Friday September 13, 2013

This year we will be focusing on communicating our thinking when solving math problems.  For homework, your child will be working on this concept.  The "Stretch Your Thinking" allows students to explain how they know the answer.  This isn't as easy as we think!  Many members of 3B this week, expressed that they know how, but don't know how to explain it.  This is a big step from grade 2! Please allow your child to try their best, with some support.  One way to assist your child is to talk the answer out.  Allow them to tell you what they are thinking.  By doing this, they not only hear what they are saying, they are processing their thinking.  This small activity greatly assists young children to explain their responses clearly.

Book orders also went home on Friday.  I will be sending book orders once a month.  This is a great way for your child to seek out texts he/she are interested in reading.  This program also gets children to read for enjoyment!  This month's orders are due Friday September 27.  Please send cheques only and payable to Scholastic Book Club.

Our library walk is on!  We will be heading to Remington Park Library on Thursday October 3/13.  It has been delayed for a week as our Terry Fox activities are happening on September 26, and we don't want to miss that!  I will send home a reminder via the agenda and on the blog when to bring library cards to school and when to return books as well!

It was a pleasure meeting and talking to parents on Thursday at Meet the Teacher!  You all have amazing and wonderful children and I am so blessed to be their teacher this year!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Bavetta

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grade 3 hard at work

Gavin and Joshua working together

Ashlynn and Sarah sharing their ideas!

Dylan and Nolan giving another group a hand!

A finished product!

Awesome work today folks!

Grade 3 in action!

Carlee and Erin sharing their ideas about fiction texts!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Agenda notes for Sept 10, 2013

We continue to work on looking for patterns in a hundred's chart and place value.  Tonight your child will be working on recognizing patterns.  Patterns can either increase or decrease, be found in the ones place value, or in the tens place value.  Work with your child to determine what patterns he/she can point out!

Understanding place value is one of the main foundations for your child to be successful in computing other operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).  Please assist your child when working on his/her place value worksheet.  We have been working on place value and practice is key!

Your child's math quiz came home tonight, please sign and return!

Today we worked on setting up a reading response to a fiction text "Opening Day."  We focused on the characters and setting.  Ask your child the responses to our focus!
Have a great night!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Agenda notes for Sept 9, 2013

Reminder that this Thursday is Meet the Teacher Night!  Please come out to say "hello!"
Students brought home their blue math duo tangs to read and think about question 1 in the "try these" section.
"Another Small Adventure" is our song of the week.  It's early, but the group sounds great!
Please take note to the Classroom Awareness post as we do have allergies in the classroom.
Have a wonderful Monday night!

Using Anchor Charts in 3B

This is an example of an anchor chart we created last week during our literacy block.  We use our "schema" to make connections when we read by recalling experiences, memories or other knowledge we have about a situation or topic.
We will be creating many anchor charts as reference tools for students to use.
 Today we created our second anchor chart.  Ask your child what was created and discussed today!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Agenda notes for September 6, 2013

Our first week of grade 3 has come and gone! Time sure flies when you're having fun!
Madison L celebrated her birthday this week - now that's a great way to start off the school year!

This weekend I ask that the students practice their 1 and 0 multiplication tables.
We've been practicing and the group is doing great!

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Agenda notes for September 5, 2013

Today we practiced our song of the week "We Are Going To Be Friends" by Jack Johnson. We also dipped into our math text books and discussed some of the learning goals for patterning and place value. Tonight ask your child/children how to represent 38?
For an assigned question, the grade 3's were asked what does "groups of" mean? They can jot down their response right in their agendas!
Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Agenda for Wednesday Sept. 4/13

Please return walking permission forms back to school, along with the blog permission form sent home today.
Thank you to those that have sent forms and agenda money to school.

An "Introducing Your Child" form went home today.
I ask that you fill it out, as this will help me better know your child through the people that know him/her best.

Today the grade 3's were introduced to their math text book (they never had one before). We looked through a few pages and checked out the illustrated glossary - You may want to ask your child what the glossary is similiar to; we looked at that special text as well!

A gentle reminder to send indoor shoes to school. Thanks!

Overall, the students are adjusting nicely to grade 3!